Lots of people have issues with using public bathrooms, and then sometimes you're not near a rest stop while traveling. So what do you do? For most guys, this isn't a big deal, as they'll just pull over an whip it out to pee.
Ladies, how do you handle this when it's emergency go time?
There's been a lot of stuff on the internet about pooping. While this isn't unusual, it seems like things have gotten a bit more advanced than just poopy jokes. Now, people are onto the whole "anorectal angle" thing. There are so many articles out now about pooping while squatting and not sitting, it makes me feel like people spend WAY too much time thinking about poop.
I'm an iPhone guy. I've had them since the first generation. I don't upgrade every year, that's really pricey, but I do try to upgrade every couple years. I have no interest in switching to Android or Windows, so don't pressure me to change. Apple may not be first with all the new toys, but they usually do them well when they add them in.
Sometimes you enjoy being in the bathroom, and sometimes, like this guy, you really enjoy being in the bathroom.
It isn't clear where the man in this video is from, but he's obviously from a place where bidets aren't a common thing.
"Why can't you remember to put the toilet seat down?!"
How many times have you had that fight?
Grand Rapids resident Tom Reminga has developed an automatic toilet-seat closer that could help you with that.
I don't like to box myself into stereotypes but some people may call me a bit of a party girl. I like to have fun, and the best part about parties are the insane drinking games we come up with, for example in college some friends and I came up with the game, "wackadoo"...