
How to Make a Michigander Mad (Spoiler: You Don’t Want To)
How to Make a Michigander Mad (Spoiler: You Don’t Want To)
How to Make a Michigander Mad (Spoiler: You Don’t Want To)
Michiganders for the most part are nice and welcoming people. We have a Midwestern hospitality but we also can get feisty if you piss us off. That's something you want to avoid. Think of this as a guide as to what not to do/say in front of someone from Michigan...
Surge Makes a Massive Return to Michigan, Basically Sold Out Everywhere [Video]
Surge Makes a Massive Return to Michigan, Basically Sold Out Everywhere [Video]
Surge Makes a Massive Return to Michigan, Basically Sold Out Everywhere [Video]
I was pretty happy to see that my favorite soda Surge was making it's official way back to store shelves. I, of course started looking at the big chain stores, but there was nothing there. It's mostly a convenience stores! Apparently I am not the only one celebrating the fact the Surge has made a comeback.

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