
12 Days of Christmas Tourettes Edition
12 Days of Christmas Tourettes Edition
12 Days of Christmas Tourettes Edition
To celebrate Christmas Day, I thought it would be fun to share this Irish guy singing "The 12 Days of Christmas". What could go wrong with that, right? Very holiday, so family-oriented. EXCEPT...the poor guy has Tourettes. Needless to say, this is Not Safe For Work, but it is really f****** funny.
Ladies, Gentlemen, and Friends: I Give You Chewbacca Singing ‘Silent Night’
Ladies, Gentlemen, and Friends: I Give You Chewbacca Singing ‘Silent Night’
Ladies, Gentlemen, and Friends: I Give You Chewbacca Singing ‘Silent Night’
It’s the Friday before Christmas. Those of us who aren’t currently concealing the fact that we’ve slumped over at our desks in a eggnog-hangover-induced nap have glued our eyes to the clock, counting down the minutes to a leisurely holiday break. Everyone just wants to get home, gather with family or other loved ones around a crackling fire, put on the musical stylings of Burl Ives or Bing Crosby, and have a nice mug of hot cocoa. Time slows to a crawl on the Friday before a long weekend, and we both know you’re not getting any work done today, so why not kick back with the soothing sounds of Chewbacca moaning out a classic Christmas standard?

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