Before Wilson hit the stage at the Intersection with Sevendust, they came by WGRD to hang with us and some winners, and play some songs acoustic. They don't do this a whole lot, and they had a lot of fun, talking about the band, the music, and partying.
Tuesday night Sevendust rolled into The Intersection with Crobot, Wilson, and 12 Foot Ninja to bring more metal to Grand Rapids! The show started early, about 6:30, with 12 Foot Ninja, and just got crazier and sweatier all night!
Tuesday night, when Sevendust hit the Intersection, they brought with them Wilson, 12 Foot Ninja, and one of the most fun live bands out there...Crobot! I've seen Crobot a few times now, and they bring it full on every single time!
Crobot hit The Stache on Saturday night, with Wilson, Mothership, Hurry Home, and Society Kills, for a fantastic show! Mothership is a great retro-styled band from Dallas, playing some cool stoner-rock a high volume. Great band you should check out.
Crobot hit The Stache on Saturday night, with Wilson, Mothership, Hurry Home, and Society Kills, for a fantastic show! Right before Crobot took the stage, Detroit rockers Wilson hit the stage for a monster show, complete with marching band bass drum, singer stage-diving, crowd singing moments, and lots of head banging!
Crobot hit The Stache on Saturday night, with Wilson, Mothership, Hurry Home, and Society Kills, for a fantastic show! Crobot headlined, and they set showed why they were the headliners! Great songs, high energy, fun band, and they can really play!
Crobot hit The Stache on Saturday night, with Wilson, Mothership, Hurry Home, and Society Kills, for a fantastic show! Hurry Home was the second local opener, and they hit the stage for about 20 minutes with some great local rock.