110-Year-Old Man Says Secret to Long Life is Drinking Beer Every Day
More and more people are surpassing the 100 years old these days and it's got a lot of us wondering: "What's the secret?"
Whether it's consuming raw eggs and staying single or downing three Dr. Peppers a day, each of these impressive old folk has their own method to prolong their lives.
I think I like this 110-year-old Nebraska man's the best: He owes his long long life to drinking beer.
On May 16, Mark Behrends turned 110-years-old, making him Nebraska's oldest person and possibly the oldest living male in the U.S.
“He always told everybody the reason he has lived so long is drinking one can of beer, every day at 3 p.m. He always joked that that was his medicine since he takes very little medicine.”
Word, Mr. Behrends. So what's his medicine of choice?
"Whatever was around." Behrend's said.
I think I found my new favorite old person.
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