
Pop Tart Piece Sold as Cocaine to Cop
Pop Tart Piece Sold as Cocaine to Cop
Pop Tart Piece Sold as Cocaine to Cop
If you're this guy, this has to be your eye-opener that you've finally hit rock bottom. A North Carolina man was arrested over the summer after selling an undercover cop cocaine. But after the illegal substance was taken to the lab and inspected, they discovered it was not cocaine at all. The guy had sold the undercover cop a piece of a Pop Tart, WITN-TV reported.
Ever Wonder How The Illegal Drugs Get Here? [Infographic]
Ever Wonder How The Illegal Drugs Get Here? [Infographic]
Ever Wonder How The Illegal Drugs Get Here? [Infographic]
Drugs. They are a polarizing topic. Some people advocate the use of them, while others think they are a scourge. No matter how you feel about them, they get here and go through quite the journey to arrive. This infographic shows you how narcotics arrive in this country...
Man Eats Cocaine Out of Brother’s Ass, Dies
Man Eats Cocaine Out of Brother’s Ass, Dies
Man Eats Cocaine Out of Brother’s Ass, Dies
Every day the staff of WGRD wakes up... does karate moves--then hits the internet to see what kind of weirdness she will bestow upon us. Well, this evening friends and comrades... we have a winner. The most WTF headline of the year has happened on this day and this may usher in an entire new era of consciousness. The headline read "Man Eats Cocaine Out of Brother's Butt, Dies." That's ri
EX Alice In Chains Bassist Arrested
EX Alice In Chains Bassist Arrested
EX Alice In Chains Bassist Arrested
According to Metal Insider, former Alice In Chains bassist Michael Starr was arrested in Salt Lake City, Utah for alleged drug possession. Starr was arrested when police officers pulled over his van and found six Opana pills (a semi-synthetic opioid analgesic) and six Alprazolam pills (used to treat anxiety disorders and panic attacks), neither of which he had prescriptions for...
Killer Clowns With Razor Blades Could Eat Your Face Off!  For Real!
Killer Clowns With Razor Blades Could Eat Your Face Off! For Real!
Killer Clowns With Razor Blades Could Eat Your Face Off! For Real!
Guys.....do you know what you should do if you get attacked by a group of killer clowns with razor blades?  You should know, cuz it could happen to you....it happened to a 40 year old Arizona guy .......... Are any of you guys afraid of clowns...