Lin Yue and Deng Yang are madly in love, with both each other, and food. Their relationship problems have gone on for a long time. They couldn't find a wedding dress to fit on the bride, and then they discovered that their bellies are too big, and they can't consummate their marriage!

But the hungry happy couple want to have children, and have both decided to have gastric bypass surgery, so they can finally see their genitals and be able to use them. They will also finally be able to tell which of them is the man and which the women. Which could be a fun discovery, if there's not one of each.

They've been married since 2010, and they just now decided that maybe sex would be a good thing?

They were inspired by the story of a woman known as the heaviest person in China who has gastric bypass and lost weight, but they're not looking to get healthy, they're simply looking to get laid! And what better motivation could there be, than doing the squelchy?

I completely support their reasoning.

Good luck to Lin Yue and Deng Yang, in their quest to get laid!

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