When it comes to the happiest cities in America, there's one city in Michigan that did so poorly that it came in dead last, making it the saddest city around.
Sports are starting to navigate their way through a COVID-19 season, and one of the biggest hits teams are taking this year is the lack of an audience.
Source: Bro Bible
If your significant other cheated on you and then sent you a cheesey audio message like the one this girl received....you'd be laughing your ass off with your best friend, too.
Source: <a href="https://twitter.com/barstoolsports/status/1222219034948665344">Barstool Sports</a>
Are you a "surprise" person? Do you like them? Hate them? Surprise parties are great! But what about finding out that, surprise, you've been married for 29 years and didn't know it? Probably not so great. That's what happened to the woman in the video below...