There's a new creepy clown killer horror movie about to be shot in Northern Michigan, called Crepitus, and you can be in it! It stars Bill Moseley, of House of 1000 Corpses fame, and the filmmaker is looking for people to be in a creepy family album. You don't even have to be able to act.
A few years ago, video game mastermind Hideo Kojima and Guillermo Del Toro released a playable trailer for a new game they were working on, called Silent Hills. It was a huge hit, and everyone was super excited for the game. So excited that some Michigan filmmakers decided to create a live action version of the trailer. Watch it above.
This next Michigan Horror Movie for Halloween is a tricky one, in a few ways. First off, it has different names, either "The Chaos Experiment", or "The Steam Experiment". Second, you can't stream the damn thing to be able to watch it. If you have Netflix DVD delivery, you can get it.
So, Hostel was a big deal in the day, coming in early on the torture-porn genre that swept the world for a few years. It wasn't the most amazing movie, but it did spawn a couple sequels, including one shot in Detroit! Hostel Part III. The least exciting, and probably least graphic, of the series.
Last night, I watched (or I should say, rewatched) a movie for Michigan Horror Movies for Halloween that was shot right here in Grand Rapids! It's called Playback, and featured (but not stars) Christian Slater as a cop/perv, in this decent but not amazing horror movie.
This month, I'm covering some of the horror movies filmed or based in Michigan, to get you ready for Halloween. There have been a LOT of movies filmed or based here, and so far, we've covered some classic and recent movies. Next up, a more pop-culture scary movie, and the fourth in the series. Scream 4.
Yesterday, for Michigan Horror Movies for Halloween, we covered the original The Evil Dead, made by Sam Raimi, and starring Bruce Campbell. The camp, the gore, the fun, the scary...that movie had it all. How do you even remake it?
With one of the best new versions ever. Super gory, more serious, surprising character much blood...Evil Dead, released in 2013, set a new standard for rema
This month, I'm paying tribute to some of the horror movies that have been either filmed in Michigan, take place in Michigan, or both. I've covered some recent films in the first four installments. This time, I'm going way back to 1981, for one of the best horror movies from Michigan... or anywhere! The Evil Dead!
Last night, I checked out another Michigan-made horror movie for October. It's called Jinn, and I was pleasantly surprised! We've already checked out movies from this year and last year, so going back to 2014 for Jinn seems like a reasonable next step!