A Michigan man has been sentenced for the starvation death of his two year old son.

A Child is the Greatest Gift


I'm sure you have heard someone say this, when you have a child it will change you. I heard this for years and said I'll never have a kid and then one day I'm a dad and it changed me.

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My priorities changed immediately. What used to be important was no longer. All that was important was taking care of my son and that is how I live my life everyday. It has something to do with how my parents raised me but also I feel its instinctive but not everyone is lucky enough to have great parents or have the instincts of being a parent but that is no excuse for not being there for your child.

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Michigan Dad Sentenced In Starvation Death Of 2-Year-Old Son


The Macomb County Prosecutor has a Facebook page called Macomb County Prosecutor. The prosecutors name is Peter J. Lucido who shared the story of one of his cases and it just gutted me to read it.

Courtesy of Macomb County Prosecutors Office
Courtesy of Macomb County Prosecutors Office

26-year-old Jonathon Matthew Cheek was sentenced to 24 to 50 years in prison for the starvation death of his 2-year-old son. The young boy was found dead in his crib and a medical examiner determined it was from starvation. Let's take that in for a moment. Nothing will bring back this innocent child who was never even given a chance. There is no bigger failure than failing your children.

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You can read the full prosecutors statement here and see what other Michiganders had to say about this tragedy.

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