How Did This Happen? A Stripper Danced Inside A Michigan High School Gym
Parents and school administration at Mt. Clemons Community Schools are upset after what happened this past weekend inside one of their school gymnasiums.

Pictures and videos posted online show a rapper performing inside the Mount Clemens High School Gymnasium with what appears to be a stripper dancing during the performance.
How Did This Happen? A Stripper Danced Inside A Michigan High School Gym?
According to WDIV 4, the gymnasium of Mount Clemens High School was rented by Rivals Recruiting Worldwide, a company founded by Quentin Hines, a former NFL player and graduate of the school. Hines hired a rapper to perform during the event, and that rapper brought a partially clothed woman to dance.
Quinten Hines Apologises For What Happened
Hines later issued an apology, saying:
I’m terribly sorry. I’m a graduate of Mount Clemens High School. I know they’re doing good things in the community and trying to really help the kids, and I’m sorry to shed a bad light on this school district.
What Did The School Have To Say About The Incident?
Superintendent Monique Beels issued a statement after finding out about the incident.
On Saturday night, October 15, 2022, Rivals Recruiting Worldwide rented the Mount Clemens High School gym and concession stand for a charity event. Rivals Recruiting Worldwide is led by a former employee and former student of our district. In the past, this organization has rented our facilities for the Rivals Football Draft and his league football play. There have been no prior issues of inappropriateness when this organization rented from our district in the past. There was no reason to believe the activities that took place at the event on October 15, 2022 would take place in our gym.
The Mount Clemens Community Schools’ Board of Education and Administration are deeply shocked, disappointed, and disgusted by the inappropriate events that took place last night. We will conduct a full review of our current practices of facility rentals and usage, and work to ensure that our community does not compromise the values and actions that we work to instill in our students.
Rivals Recruiting Worldwide is banned from using any of our facilities in the future. Our facilities were rented to Rivals Recruiting Worldwide in good faith and trust was broken. This type of behavior is not tolerated in our district. The safety of our students and staff are at the forefront of our priorities. We are investigating the entire process of facility use and rentals in Mount Clemens Community Schools, this event in particular, and will ensure that our facilities are used only for appropriate use.