If You Bought Chicken In The Past Decade You Might Be Entitled To Some Cash
Have you bought chicken from a grocery store in the last 10 years? If you said "yes", then you might be entitled to some cash.
Several chicken companies were recently found to have been conspiring to limit supplies of chicken to keep the prices artificially inflated. So, if you purchased chicken from Jan 1, 2009 through December 31, 2020 from Fieldale Farms Corporation, George’s, Mar-Jac Poultry, Peco Foods, Pilgrim’s Pride and Tyson Foods you could be eligible to participate in a class action lawsuit.
The companies involved in the lawsuit are going to have to payout a total of $181 million to consumers, so there is a lot of money on the table. With class actions lawsuits like this, the payout to each person who signs up will likely be small because of the large amount of people who qualify. But, it's pretty much free money for anyone who has bought chicken in the last 10 years.
According to an article by Today.com, "Anyone who purchased a fresh or frozen raw chicken or whole, cut-up birds within a package or white meat parts could have a claim, said the lawsuit. Meat marketed as halal, kosher, free-range or organic is not included in the lawsuit."
The claim period for the lawsuit began on September 11, 2021 and will last until December 31, 2022. So, you got plenty of time to decide if you want to make a claim. And if you are unsure if you are eligible, you can find out at www.overchargedforchicken.com or by calling (877) 888-5428 before the final claim date of December 31, 2022.
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