
Kid’s Reacting to the Apple II Makes Me Feel Old
Kid’s Reacting to the Apple II Makes Me Feel Old
Kid’s Reacting to the Apple II Makes Me Feel Old
Here is another edition of 'Kid's React to Technology!' When I was a kid, we used the Apple II Computer in our classes. We didn't really use them that much because we wrote everything on paper, imagine that! I did know how to use DOS quite well to boot up Hard and Floppy disk, but seeing kids these days react to old tech is quite humorous.
Defending Net Neutrality
Defending Net Neutrality
Defending Net Neutrality
So, if you're like us, you've heard the term "net neutrality" in the news quite a bit recently. Net neutrality, basically, means that all data on the Internet is treated equally, and nothing that you try to access gets preferential treatment over other data.
Flying Robo Hacker Threatens Wireless Networks
Flying Robo Hacker Threatens Wireless Networks
Flying Robo Hacker Threatens Wireless Networks
So, sometimes smart people can be reall a-holes. They are always using their giant brains to build things that cause major headaches for some of their victims. Some super-nerd built a flying hacking robot that can actually take out wireless networks...
Top 10: Technologies That Will Make You Obsolete
Top 10: Technologies That Will Make You Obsolete
Top 10: Technologies That Will Make You Obsolete
Doubters like to say that machines will never fully replace us in the work force -- that artificial intelligence will never match the cunning of the human mind. Well, as IBM's Watson proved on Jeopardy! this week, new technologies may be smarter than we thought.