jurassic park

‘Jurassic Park 4′ Set Pics Announce a Wrap on Production
‘Jurassic Park 4′ Set Pics Announce a Wrap on Production
‘Jurassic Park 4′ Set Pics Announce a Wrap on Production
It's crazy to think that production on 'Jurassic Park 4' is officially wrapped, considering the idea seemed like a faint glimmer in the eye of Steven Spielberg when he announced its development a few years ago, but director Colin Trevorrow's latest update from the set makes it official. Now it's time for post-production!
Games to Try Before You Die: Jurassic Park (Sega)
Games to Try Before You Die: Jurassic Park (Sega)
Games to Try Before You Die: Jurassic Park (Sega)
Dinosaurs are the most 'metal' creature of all time! They eat people and even eat their own species. When Jurassic Park came out in the 90's, it was awesome. Like any big movie, video game adaptation follow close by, and Jurassic Park actually had a pretty decent game!