Joe’s Certain Waxology Can Help You and a Boat of Half-Squatches. And You’ll Enjoy It.
Maybe your whole body is as hairless as the top of Free Beer's head. Maybe you don’t have to deal with a painstaking hair removal process.
But maybe you’re not in that minority. Maybe you and I are in the same boat; a boat of half-squatches (a species of half-man, half-Sasquatch that is often mistaken as being a part of the Foot family but is actually a thing I just made up) and you’ve also gone a little too long between shaves. There are the moments when you can’t tell whether you have two eyebrows or just one…and maybe that one eyebrow is the end your back hair or the beginning of your puberty hair.
Maybe school children and most of your family call you “Ball Brow” instead of your name…OK, that last tidbit might be a slight exaggeration. But if you’ve been blessed with as much hair as I have, you might also appreciate feeling clean, feeling smooth, and not smelling like gymnasium testicles. I know the best place to achieve this with the least amount of hassle.
Now, now, I know that there’s a perceived stigma when it comes to waxing and being a dude. I know you think it’s going to be weird the first time you walk into Waxology. I assure you, that won’t be the case. Waxing will end up being your go-to for grooming.
That, I assure you is no exaggeration. It’s faster than shaving (or finding someone to shave you). It’s more uniform than shaving (no weird patches that you missed). You won’t have to worry about it as often, and there’s ZERO for you to cleanup! No more shaking off the pube-catching towel in your backyard for all the world to see. Maybe that last proclamation was a little less universal...
Nonetheless, Waxology is absolutely legit; they had me in and out in no time, and I’m still without back and nose hair. It's really awesome not to have to worry about it until it grows out again (6 weeks for most people). Even beards — cleaning up a beard is quick and lasts longer than the results you'd get at a barbershop.
It's time for you to stop allowing whatever roadblock that is stopping you from making an appointment and start not grossing out your partner and most strangers. Give them a call or go online today at ilovewaxology.com to set up a time to let them help you out. They’ve got a spot in Rockford (616.780.4851) as well as Breton Village (616.309.0561), so it’s pretty convenient no matter what part of town you’re in.
Their new client special is half off brows or Brazilian (or Manzilian) waxing or sugaring services, what's it going to hurt to try, right? They'll also give you $10 off for everyone you refer.
So don’t hesitate to reach out to any ladies in your life. Save even more time by setting something up for the same time because, of course, waxing is for everyone and unlike many day spas, they have multiple waxologists who can work simultaneously. Maybe catch up on family affairs with Mom or Gram Gram over a cup of soup* and a Brazilian!
*soup is not on Waxology’s menu and I make no promises that your family can be waxed side-by-side. Inquire over the phone as to their family/soup policies or whether they are a BYOSoup establishment. For more on soup, click on the soup tab at WGRD.com.