Vote for Which Films will Play at Grand Rapids’ Movies in the Park 2017
Downtown Grand Rapids Inc. Movies in the Park Series returns in summer 2017!
What movies do you want see? Round one voting has started!
By taking this survey, you can pick up to ten movies that will help determine next summer's lineup in Ah-Nab-Awen Park.
There's over 70 to choose from, including:
- Animal House
- Caddyshack
- Clerks
- Fight Club
- Half Baked
- Happy Gilmore
- Independence Day
- Kill Bill
- Lethal Weapon
- Major Payne
- Office Space
- Pulp Fiction
- Seven
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
- The Big Lebowski
- The Blair Witch Project
- Twister
- X-Men
You can also add a movie suggestion that's not on the list.
Downtown Grand Rapids Inc. asks that you keep in mind they cannot play Disney or Star Wars movies due to licensing restrictions and will not play any movies already played in the past four years.
Check out last year's lineup here!
Movies are on Friday nights during the summer and are free and open to the public. You can bring blankets, chairs, wine, beer, other beverages and snacks to enjoy during the movies.
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