Before video games were common place in your house, receiving a video game on Christmas was a big deal! You couldn't just go out and buy the newest video game like you can today, it was something that took a lot of thinking because whatever you chose to get had to last you for a long time!

I can pretty much recall every video game I have ever received for Christmas, even up to the last one when I kinda fell out of video game playing for a bit.

  • Aladdin (Super Nintendo)
  • Donkey Kong Country 3 (Super Nintendo)
  • Harvest Moon 64 (Nintendo 64)
  • Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (Nintendo 64)
  • Pokemon Yellow (Game Boy)
  • Pokemon Blue (Game Boy)
  • Tony Hawks Underground 2 (Gamecube)
  • The Sims 2 (Gamecube)

No many right? I am 27 years old, and you'd figure that I would want a game every year right? Remember, games weren't always as cheap as they are today. Buying a video game back then, was a BIG purchase! You couldn't just walk into a Toys R' Us and see a buy 1 get 1 deal like you do today! Harvest Moon 64 was $70!

Santa was good to me over the years though. When I opened those games and played them, it was always and adventure.

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