
Can A Drone Really Disinfect An Entire Stadium In Three Hours??
Can A Drone Really Disinfect An Entire Stadium In Three Hours??
Can A Drone Really Disinfect An Entire Stadium In Three Hours??
The drones can spray up to 20 acres per hour and includes underneath seats, railing, and arm rests. CBS 2 reports that a company in Pittsburgh has developed these drones. The drone cleans using electrostatic technology and could be a game changer when large events like festivals, concerts and sporting events start happening again...
Throw Out Your Selfie-Stick for the New Hover Selfie Drone [Video]
Throw Out Your Selfie-Stick for the New Hover Selfie Drone [Video]
Throw Out Your Selfie-Stick for the New Hover Selfie Drone [Video]
It's time to throw away your silly selfie-stick. No, really, I'm not just saying that to be mean to people with selfie-sticks. I have one, but I've yet to use it for a selfie. It helps get the phone higher up for above photos, which I haven't done much of, but still. Now, there's a new toy for all the selfie-people, it's the Hover Flying Camera from Chinese company Zero Zero Robotics.

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