For the first time since 2019, the Donut and Beer Festival returned to Grand Rapids. Visitors and judges were asked to vote for their favorite donuts from bakeries around the state - and the results are in!
Well, time to cue up the cop/donut references!
Back in December, Daniel Rushing was pulled over after leaving an Orlando 7-Eleven, because he failed to come to a complete stop while pulling out of the parking lot, and then going 12 miles per hour over the speed limit...
A couple of guys were just out on the Snake River for a day of fly fishing in the northwest U.S. when they noticed something that has never occurred in nature before.
Across the river, a deer was drinking some water, but something was a little out of the ordinary. The deer had a powdered donut stuck to its antler!
Kids tend to say whatever comes to their minds without a filter at times. This can lead to some good laughs, or also having to have a serious talk with your children.
If you put down that morning Cruller or Long John because you're trying to watch your figure or keep your blood sugar from skyrocketing, go ahead and have one today. Just tell yourself it's National Donut Day.