Jackie Completes The Air Force Marathon
What can I say about the Air Force Marathon? It is AWESOME! I don't know if I would be saying this if the stars hadn't aligned for me and I hadn't ran what was basically the best marathon I ever ran!
This race felt like I was part of "The Wizard of Oz." I had some buddies I met on the yellow brick road, (or the random roads in Dayton I was running...) that ran with me the entire way, making the adventure even more fun! First there was the scare crow (or my buddy John whatever you want to call him.) Who kept me company, kept my pace for me, and made sure every 5 miles I had a GU (because I hate GU but they are pretty important if you want to do well. Then there was my pal the Tin Man (or a female I met named Annie) Annie, err.. I mean Tin Man, serves our country in the United States Air Force. I met her along the run, she was struggling pacing herself trying to run a Boston Qualifier so I invited her to pace along side us. Little did I know her by my side made my 26.2 miles a little easier.
Well who the hell's Dorothy? ME of course, it's my blog I obviously get to be Dorothy! The race wound its way around Dayton, Ohio and in and out of the USAF Base. Miles 1-21 I felt like a machine, stomping my way down the yellow brick road in search of the wizard. It wasn't until I passed mile 21 that my body hit a wall and my legs said, "NO MORE!" With the encouragement of my friends I pushed through (barely) and finished. I missed my goal a bit BUT I did still hit a Boston qualifying time of 03:34:54! My girl Annie arghh I mean Tin Man, also made a Boston qualifying time!
For anyone considering running a marathon in the future, DO IT! Don't wait, don't say maybe next year, get up and start running a few miles a day and build up. If you ever want tips or advice ask me I love to help!
So that's my story on the USAF Marathon- what's next for Dorothy? I'm thinking I am just crazy enough to do the Grand Rapids Marathon in 4 weeks... let's see if my ruby slippers are ready for that!