So here's how Segment 16 went down today. During the commercial break, Justin grabbed a donut from the kitchen and brought it into the studio to eat. The guys, not knowing there were donuts, stopped everything to stare at his donut, and then literally ran down the hallway to get some. This led to a funny prank on Justin to begin the segment.

They all decided to just lurk in the hallways, and not go back in, just to see what he'd do for Segment 16. Would he just roll through into music and bail? Would he try to start the segment alone? Why the hell is he playing bed music?

This led to various conversations, about waking him up tomorrow morning for the live show, nude selfies to the whole show, and Hot Wings' continuing mobile problems.

Free Beer related some stories from Hot Wings' long history of bad service, and how the weirdest things would always happen only to him.

I know how you feel, friends used to call me the Albatross, service used to be so bad for me.

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