America’s Favorite Beers Have Been Ranked – Here Are The Top 26
America loves beer, it's a fact. Americans prefer beer over wine and liquor, and have for most of America's history as a nation. Currently, about 42% of drinkers prefer the hoppy goodness while only 34% choose wine and a lowly 19% prefer liquor.
Since we love our beer so much, Wall St. 24/7 decided to figure out which beers are the biggest sellers and which beers are our favorites. Using shipping data from Beer Marketer's Insight, Wall St. 24/7 put together a list of America's 26 most popular beers.
- Bud Light
- Coors Light
- Budweiser
- Miller Lite
- Corona Extra
- Michelob Ultra
- Modelo Especial
- Natural Light
- Busch Light
- Busch
- Heineken
- Keystone Light
- Miller High Life
- Stella Artois
- Bud Ice
- Pabst Blue Ribbon
- Natural Ice
- Yuengling Lager
- Blue Moon Belgian White
- Dos Equis
- Coors Banquet
- Steel Reserve
- Icehouse
- Corona Light
- Milwaukee's Best Ice
- Guinness
Not surprisingly, the list is dominated by big brewing companies and extremely recognizable domestic beers. But what is surprising is not a single beer has cracked the list. With the craft beer craze in full swing and some craft beers being sold pretty much nationally, is it only a matter of time before a Founder's or a Bell's beer makes it on the list? I think so, but what do you think?
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