This 16-Year-Old With Leukemia Fulfilled A Bucket List Item By Tasering Someone!
Bucket lists. We all have them and we’re all adding to and subtracting from them constantly. For one teenager, she has to start working on checking things off earlier than most people.
16-year-old Alyssa Elkines was diagnosed with Leukemia many years ago and was in remission. Recently, the cancer came back and now doctors have given her just four months to live. Tragic, right? Elkines said that she is going to try to start crossing things off her bucket list. Her list contains the typical things like a trip to Disney World, Cedar Point and New York. She also wants a micro pig and a tattoo!
Recently, the Newark Police Department helped check off one of Alyssa’s bucket list items. She wanted to taser someone, and they made it happen! Sheriff Doug Bline offered to ride the lightning and said that it only really hurt for a second, but it was worth it in order to help a girl fulfill a dream she had. Well done, Sheriff Bline!
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