14-Year-Old Mi Boy Shot & Killed Making a Video For Social Media
A 14-year-old boy from Michigan was shot and killed while making a video on social media.
Social Media and Kids
Kids growing up in the social media world seem to look for quick ways to become famous, or at least get noticed while using the many platforms available.
It seems today's generation of kids is all about likes, shares, and going viral on social media.
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tik Tok, Reddit, Pinterest, and WhatsApp are just some of the many social media platforms, and yes, YouTube is one of them too. My son is only 10 and about a year ago he says will you like my YouTube channel, which I did. He has a Facebook account that is one of the parental versions so his mom can keep tabs on him and it allows him and I to stay in contact with messages and video chats while keeping the creeps out.
Social Media is Not Just Kids
Social media is not just kids trying to get likes and shares, plenty of adults have entered the social arena. Heck, social media has even entered our politics in the last 8 years or so. Good or bad, we can't do anything about the adults but when kids get hurt because of social media then it is a problem.
Kids have always picked on other kids as long as there have been kids but social media is very different because everyone can see it. Cyberbullying has even led to some children taking their own lives.
Many kids love making videos and I know mine does too. Lots of kids get injured trying to make funny videos or even dangerous videos or get hurt doing some dumb internet challenge. The sad part is some kids die making these videos.
14-Year-Old Boy From Michigan Gets Shot and Dies Making a Social Media Video
A 14-year-old boy in Detroit was making a video for social media with a 16-year-old boy and wound getting shot and died in the home before authorities could arrive at the home.
According to WXYZ, the kids were making a music video when the 14-year-old was shot. The gun was apparently stolen a few days prior to make the video. Some of the cars that were parked in the driveway were stolen vehicles. The gun came up missing when people at the home were trying to move the stolen vehicles before the police arrived and then the gun came up missing in the process.