Carrie Fisher

‘Star Wars: Episode 8’ Production Codename Revealed
‘Star Wars: Episode 8’ Production Codename Revealed
‘Star Wars: Episode 8’ Production Codename Revealed
Not too long ago, there was a rumor going around that Rian Johnson had a secret production codename for Star Wars: Episode VIII — a totally believable rumor, given that most major films shoot under secret titles and the practice is fairly common. Episode VIII’s codename is secret no more, as Carrie Fisher (and her insanely adorable dog, Gary Fisher) has revealed the sequel’s production title, and, like most codenames, it’s one you never would have guessed.
Carrie Fisher, to the ‘Force Awakens’ Haters: ‘Blow Me’
Carrie Fisher, to the ‘Force Awakens’ Haters: ‘Blow Me’
Carrie Fisher, to the ‘Force Awakens’ Haters: ‘Blow Me’
At age 59, Carrie Fisher has been around the block a few times. She’s appeared in her fourth ‘Star Wars’ film with ‘The Force Awakens’ earlier this month, and frankly, she’s got no patience for haters. The woman has still got it and then some; she was riotous in her guest appearance on 30 Rock a few years back and she exuded pure screen presence in every frame of The Force Awakens. So when triflin’ suckas come at the queen, she delivers justice in a swift and merciless manner, and in 140 characters or less. Clearly fed up with insults being lobbed her way concerning her appearance in the latest Star Wars picture, Fisher took to Twitter to put it down.
‘The Force Awakens’ Cast Sings the ‘Star Wars’ Theme A Cappella With Jimmy Fallon
‘The Force Awakens’ Cast Sings the ‘Star Wars’ Theme A Cappella With Jimmy Fallon
‘The Force Awakens’ Cast Sings the ‘Star Wars’ Theme A Cappella With Jimmy Fallon
When you’re out promoting a movie, you’re often asked to do a lot of things, most of them pretty silly. With the amount of press the cast of Star Wars: The Force Awakens was being asked to do, there were asked to do a lot of silly things, none perhaps as silly as going on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon and singing a medley of Star Wars music a cappella. But the entire cast — including Harrison Ford! — actually commits, and it actually turns out to pretty fun.
Carrie Fisher Thinks Controversy Over Princess Slave Leia Toys is ‘Stupid’
Carrie Fisher Thinks Controversy Over Princess Slave Leia Toys is ‘Stupid’
Carrie Fisher Thinks Controversy Over Princess Slave Leia Toys is ‘Stupid’
Back in November, artist J. Scott Campbell announced that Disney is seriously considering wiping out future "Slave Leia" toys from its product merchandise. Now, Carrie Fisher said in a recent interview that she thinks that people getting caught up in the Slave Leia controversy is just stupid.