I know that our service members receive care packages but didn't know that Michigan inmates receive care packages. What's inside Michigan inmate care packages?

What's Goes in a Military Care Package?


Before we find out what's in a Michigan inmate care package, I thought it would help to compare what goes into a military care package.

👇BELOW: The 1952 Jackson, Michigan Prison Riot👇


Several organizations send military care packages to our service men and women who are stationed around the world. It's not just Christmas time that these go out. Below is a list of items recommended:

  • Socks
  • Toiletries
  • Lip Balm
  • Sunscreen
  • Hand Sanitizer
  • Baby Wipes
  • Snacks
  • Single Serving Drink Mixes
  • Playing Cards
  • Books or Magazines
  • Puzzles
  • Pens
  • Sewing Kits

I'm sure you can think of other items but check with a military organization to find out if anything is restricted because there are different rules in other parts of the world.

What's Inside a Michigan Inmate Care Package?


A poster on the Detroit Reddit page wanted to send a man a care package to the Wayne County Jail but noticed there were food options but no personal hygiene packages listed. Below is what Michiganders suggested:

Detroit Reddit Page/canva.com
Detroit Reddit Page/canva.com

Since tobacco is considered contraband in Michigan jails and prisons Ramen noodles are the item of choice. Prisoners use them as currency.

Detroit Reddit Page/canva.com
Detroit Reddit Page/canva.com

This Reddit poster seems to know how the system works.

Detroit Reddit Page/canva.com
Detroit Reddit Page/canva.com

I think jails and prisons do not want people mailing packages to keep out contraband. Below are items that can be purchased through the jail or prison for Michigan inmates:

A.M. Delight Care Pack

  • 2 Keefe Instant coffee 4.5oz
  • 5 Cappuccino packets
  • 5 Hot Chocolate packets
  • 1 Creamer 10ct
  • 1 Sweet Sprinkles 10ct
  • 3 Bagels plain
  • 3 Cream Cheese packets
  • 1 Mrs. Freshley's Chocalate mini donuts
  • 1 2pk Cubpackes
  • 1 Iced Homeny Bun
  • 1 Oatmeal variety pack 10ct
  • 1 Pop Tarts Strawberry 6ct
  • 1 Pop Tarts Brown Sugar 6ct
  • Price: $59.99

Meat & Soup Care Pack

  • 2 Chili Ramen packs 3oz
  • 2 Texas Beef packs 3oz
  • 2 Hot N Spicey Ramen packs 3oz
  • 2 Chicken Ramen packs 3oz
  • 2 Tuna packs 7.1oz
  • 2 Meat sticks -92oz
  • Price $29.99
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Those prices seem a bit steep.

The 1952 Jackson, Michigan Prison Riot

Protesting harsh treatment, poor medical care, and bad food, inmates of Jackson's Michigan State Prison held 9 guards hostage for 5 days of riots in April 1952.

Gallery Credit: Scott Clow

Look Inside This Now Abandoned Michigan Prison

It's a place no one hopes to end up unless it's abandoned of course. Take a look into this now abandoned, Michigan prison.

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