Two Things That Make ‘GRD’s Jackie Very Angry!
I don't get angry very often, I don't have insane road rage or anything like that, but there are two things that both coincidently happened today that make me SOOOOO annoyed/angry that I just had to share!
First off you need to know that I drive a stick shift, with that said, here is the quote that drives me INSANE...
"Wow, you drive a stick, I just got more respect for you"
Ok, you just got more respect for me? Because why? driving a stick is so hard that my tiny brain wouldn't be able to handle it? It does NOT take a rocket scientist to drive a stick shift... So that is something that is terribly obnoxious and happened today, the other thing also happened in the car...
So I'm driving no big deal, and a mini van pulls up next to me, with the douchiest (yes i know thats not ACTUALLY a word haha) guy in it. He is wearing a sideways hat, and just looks stupid. Whats he do? He starts hootin and hollerin at me, right there on 28th street... He keeps giving me this creepy annoying look, like he thinks he's completely having eye sex with me when in actuality he's making my want to vomit HAH! This guy is all by himself! Ok so what did you think was gonna happen right then? I would jump out of my car and we'd have some sexy time? Or I would shout my digits out my car window at you?
Those are two of my pet peeves, no big deal really, but man they happened today, on the way to work so I HAD to share!
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