The semiconductor chip shortage is causing so many problems for people trying to buy a new vehicle, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and several other governors are calling on Congress.

According to FOX 17, Gov. Whitmer, joined by a bipartisan group of governors from Alabama, California, Illinois, Kansas, Kentucky, North Carolina, and Wisconsin, are calling on the U.S. Congress to pass legislation that will boost chip production.

The governors are asking Congress to pass the Creating Helpful Incentives for Production of Semiconductors for America Act (CHIPS). The governors are trying to get the United States Congress to pass this bill and provide funding.

This chip shortage is real. I have been trying to get a new vehicle for months, and because of the lack of semiconductor chips vehicles need, it is nearly impossible to get any sort of deal.

There are parking lots and fields in Michigan and several other states with thousands of brand new vehicles sitting useless without these chips. The vehicle shortage starts in Michigan and continues around the entire country.

This same problem has caused used vehicle prices to go through the roof. The chip shortage has indirectly caused a used vehicle shortage.

This chip shortage is not only causing a vehicle shortage problem, but it is also putting people's jobs at risk as well as those who are a part of the supply chain.

FOX 17 reported that the bipartisan governors collectively wrote this in a letter,

The CHIPS Act incentive provisions have garnered broad, bipartisan support, as reflected in the Senate, which passed USICA earlier this year by a vote of 68-32. While we understand that the House of Representatives has its priorities concerning the policies and programs included in USICA, we hope the two chambers will now come together quickly to find common ground and respect to this legislation, including full funding for the CHIPS Act re-shoring provisions, as soon as possible.

We all know how important the auto industry is right here in Michigan and the rest of the country. Hopefully, Congress acts sooner than later to get the CHIPS Act passed so we can keep people working and put others in new vehicles.

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