What Are The Top 5 Best Michigan Hangover Cures?
It's summertime, so it's pretty safe to say there is a lot of drinking going on, especially around the lakes of Michigan, so here are the state's top 5 hangover cures.
Lake Life
I live by the Hardy Dam and have noticed something about being near a significant body of water, there is a bit of drinking that goes on.
I have also noticed, it doesn't necessarily need to be a significant body of water, just any body of water in Michigan seems to have its share of drinkers enjoying lake life.
My son and I were night fishing on Pickerel Lake in Newaygo County over the weekend and we couldn't believe the number of parties that were going on around such a small lake. There were party boats and land parties that were still going way into the night and I told my son, "Sounds like there's gonna be a lot of people hungover the next morning." So, I got to thinking, what are Michigan's best hangover cures?
Michigan's Top 5 Hangover Cures
#5 Chug a Sprite
Michiganders that live on the Lake Huron side of the state claim the most effective cure for a hangover is an ice-cold can of Sprite. They claim that Sprite breaks down acetaldehyde which is the chemical that affects heavy drinkers.
#4 Tylenol, Gatorade, and a Big Mac
Those who live in East Lansing swear by a hangover cure that consists of a bottle of Gatorade, Tylenol, and a Mcdonald's Big Mac. This cure became well known when the Spartans were playing the Wolverines and were dragging for three quarters when in the fourth quarter players took a Tylenol, drank a Gatorade, and ate a Big Mac in order to bounce back for the win.
#3 Fleetwood Diner
Those who live in Ann Arbor, Michigan, or attend the University of Michigan all know of the Fleetwood Diner. Those who've had a big day on the lake or after tailgating at a Michigan game claim there is no better cure for a Michigan hangover than the "Hippie Hash" at the Fleetwood Diner. Some Michiganders on the state's west side are familiar since there used to be a Fleetwood Diner in Grand Rapids.
#2 Buddy's Pizza and Vernors
Detroiters have been saying for years that a couple of slices of Buddy's Pizza and washing it down with a can of Vernor's will snap you back after a night of drinking better than any other food in the city.
#1 Bananas and Pretzels
The folks in Frankenmuth, Michigan, swear up and down about eating bananas and pretzels to cure a hangover. This one has really spread across the state and may seem like an odd combination but the science says this combo has all the right ingredients to do the job. The sodium, potassium, and electrolytes prevent further dehydration and help replenish some of the vitamins and minerals the body lost during the bender.