The Michigan Drought May Be Over This Weekend
This has been a dry year for Michiganders but this weekend, those dry days may be behind us.
Normally this time of year I have to mow my lawn once a week and even sometimes twice a week when we are getting normal rainfall. This year has been anything but normal.
My lawn, like many in West Michigan, is already August brown and we haven't even gotten to July yet.
Luckily where I live, there is a lot of clay in the soil so there is lots of nitrogen which helps provide nutrients for my lawn but water is what it needs.
I've gotten a little rain but nothing like what the east side of the state has received. Much of southern lower Michigan has been experiencing severe drought for weeks now.
According to FOX 17, this weekend will have the potential for heavy rain Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The possibility of severe storms are low but we may see a solid two to four inches of rain and farmers and home owners couldn't be more happy.
Normally the farmer that farms my land has trouble getting the whole field planted because of some springs and what would be a normal amount of rain. This year the farmer had no trouble planting the field and is glad there is a high water table to keep those soy beans green.
Meteorologists have been using forecast models to predict the rainfall and so far they are showing areas getting two, three, four inches and possibly more rain in parts of West Michigan and southern lower Michigan.
Although the rain is well needed in most areas, some of the counties that are located south of Grand Rapids received quite a bit of rain last weekend so this new rain could bring the potential of flooding in some areas. Most of that is down by I-94.
Even though my mom and one of her best friends are visiting this weekend and this rain may cut into our day out on the boat, the rain will be welcomed and my house and perhaps yours as well. I can always drive the ladies to some areas to go shopping and I'm sure they will be just as happy as any ol' boat ride.