A Michigan man found himself in hot water after logging on to his virtual court hearing via Zoom while driving a car, despite having a suspended driver's license.
Every single expressway exit in the state has a tiny code on each on and off ramp. They may seem totally random but there is a system if you know how to decode it.
The stay-in-place order is meant to help slow the spread of COVID-19 cases in Washtenaw County where according to ClickonDetroit, 60% of the cases are UofM students.
This video is a cringe-fest for me. Any sort of impromptu singing in public makes extremely uncomfortable.
It's not that this felon's voice is awful, it's just so incredibly inappropriate to burst into what sounds like his own version Adele's "Hello" to a courtroom full of people, right before he's sentenced to up to 17 years.