A man in Florida jumped on the hood of a semi truck that was going down the highway, and the driver tried to shake him off. According to the man who posted the video, the man was trying to kill the driver with a steel bar.
We have... so many questions...
Today on Segment 16, the guys watch an old video they'd made to promote a Joe Stunt...and then when Joe seriously got hurt trying it, they never did show the stunt. We also find out that it's still super embarrassing for everyone when their wives laugh at their embarrassments.
Today on Segment 16, the guys debate the dangers involved in a Joe Stunt they've been considering. They've put Joe in harm's way a few times before, but this one could push someone over the edge into shooting Joe on sight. Just Hot Wings' retelling of a similar incident set all the guys on edge.
Go-Pro cameras have opened our eyes to many things we've never been able to easily record in the past.
Sky diving, water sports and the inside of a dishwasher are among the subjects that Go-Pro videos given us different perspectives of and proven the camera's durability.
Digital production and seeding agency Life Hunters recently placed a piece of art that can be bought at Ikea for about $15 in an art museum to see what experts and enthusiasts had to say about its quality and worth.