A uniformed British police officer accidentally walked into a 50th birthday celebration at a social club, where he was mistaken for the stripogram the ladies had hired. How does this not happen more often?
We've all heard about the girl who is stripping her way through medical school. It seems as though that's a pretty common story among strippers.
But how many of them are actually telling the truth? Not many.
But one young woman, University of Maryland student Maggie, really is!
This story is all sorts of pathetic.
Everyone knows that guy that goes to the strip club a little too much. Robert Wallace, a 32-year-old from Houston, is that guy.
He was a regular at a strip club called Treasures, and a big fan of a stripper named Nomi.
This is where the stories start to differ a bit, KRIV-TV Fox 26 reports.
The guy that owns the Showgirls Galleria on Market here on the outskirts of downtown, Mark London, is doing something horrible…he's selling the business for someone to destroy!
“It’s going to be very dependent on what they want to do there,” said London of his asking price for the 2-acre property on the outskirts of downtown. “Ideally, it would be someone who wanted to clear the site and put up so
A West Ottawa stripper er...um....Teacher claims her pt-time gig as a stripper and not her teaching is the district’s reason for her firing. She has created a website to detail her side of the dispute.
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