We love West Michigan and all of the sights, sounds and smells it brings throughout the year. Well, at least most of the smells.
What if you could take all of those smells home with you in a scented candle?
Here's what it would smell like if you could.
Today on Segment 16, the guys talked with Dan, Lauren, and Aaron from WZZM about a new dating site, where you wear a shirt for 3 days and nights straight, and then you all smell each other to see if you're a match. Aside from being gross, they also don't separate the clothes by sex, so you could hook yourself up with a same-sex relationship!
What a sh**** situation.
A woman in Japan allegedly slashed her husband with a kitchen knife after he took a righteously smelly poo, leaving him with a 7-inch gash on his face, according to The Japan Times.