Double amputee Chris Marckres went skydiving and said that after leaping from the plane, he lost one of his prosthetic legs. Joe Marszalkowski, a Vermont farmer, found the leg in his soybean field the next day.
Marckres hadn't even realized that he lost his leg at first...
If you consider yourself a thrill seeker, this man is your new idol. Luke Aikins, an experienced and insane skydiver, has made many jumps out of planes and off mountains.
Now, he’s trying to successfully land a jump from over 25,000 feet without a parachute!
Episode 6 of The SNaCK has arrived! On this episode we try something new by not having any kind of script! What do you think happens!
Listen to find out!
When you're skydiving, you typically only have to worry about the danger below you.
You know, the ground.
The last thing in the world you'd expect would be for something from ABOVE to cause you danger or harm. But that's just what happened to a Norwegian skydiver recently when he took a leap of faith out of an airplane.
A 25-year-old English man named James Lee was skydiving with friends when one of them accidentally slammed into him and knocked him unconscious. Lee was knocked out cold and free-falling from 12,000 feet.