The only time I wasn't overwhelmed with pain was when my body shut down from exhaustion and forced me to sleep. I sometimes still feel heavy guilt but nothing close to the way I felt this day.
For some, the first thing they do when they buy a house is install a security system. Alarms, bells and whistles, glass sensors, bees... the whole nine yards. Wait, BEES?
If you make the claim that you have the world's hardest head, someone is going to call you on it at some point and you're going to have to prove it.
Well, this guy did just that. And the way he proved it will make you cringe.
Guys, sad news: It's December. That means Movember is over and it's time to get rid of that upper-lip caterpillar that you've been growing for the last month.
We took a call from Shane this morning, who does a sideshow act including laying on a bed of nails.
It reminded us of the time five years ago when Producer Joe and Hot Wings did the same thing when a sideshow act came through the radio station.
Ask any woman you know and they'll probably tell you that eyebrow waxing, or waxing in general, is no big deal.
Sure, it may not be the most comfortable thing in the world, but it comes with the territory.
But what about eyelid waxing? Yeah, that might be the worst.
Thanks to the cool guys of T.C. Paintball in Grandville, MI, during our Wingstock 2011 ticket stop. I got the bright idea that is may be fun to get shot by paintballs wearing only a protective mask for some crazy reason. Here is the painful result...