A guy in the Jamaica neighborhood of Queens, N.Y., calmly walked into a McDonalds on Tuesday morning with a knife sticking out of his back with blood running down the back of his shirt.
It should go without saying that it's a bad idea to take a knife to a fully inflated tire.
This guy didn't know it was a bad idea and decided to do it anyway.
Dahmer is no stranger to weird nights drinking at various Grand Rapids establishments and he hears a ton of messed up crap! This is one of those tales. It's another edition of From the Bar Stool.
I hear a lot of good stories when I’m out drinking, so of course I always share them with you guys...
And ya know those commercials you see on TV advertising those really sharp steak knives that can cut threw a cinder block and then still slice a tomato paper thin? Did you know they can also slice thru a cinder block and then slice the tip of your penis off? Ouch. Yes, they can....
Once again, if you missed last nights craziness, then you are in luck! I have another video to catch you up on everything Heavy Weights, and make sure to come out next friday night for week 4, at the Intersection 8:00!!!!
Heavy Weights Week 3
Any of you guys ever spend a night in a hotel room with a hooker? Good times huh? Yea...I'd say....but ya gotta be careful man, careful she doesn't have a knife....or something very unpleasant could happen......