
David Bowie Perfectly Predicted The Impact Of The Internet In 1999
David Bowie Perfectly Predicted The Impact Of The Internet In 1999
David Bowie Perfectly Predicted The Impact Of The Internet In 1999
It may be hard to remember, but we haven't always lived in a world where every piece of information imaginable was readily available via smartphones in our pockets. But even 20 years ago, music legend David Bowie realized that the internet would have widespread impacts to not just the music industry, but to literally everything imaginable...
Hire A Dork for Your Dirty Work – FBHW Segment 16
Hire A Dork for Your Dirty Work – FBHW Segment 16
Hire A Dork for Your Dirty Work – FBHW Segment 16
Today on Segment 16, the guys check out a hilarious news story about a Grand Rapids man who will do your dirty work for you! All you have to do is go to his website, pay him, and tell him what you want. He'll dump your significant other, fire someone, and do other unpleasant tasks for you. As long as it's out of the sunlight.
What Disease are Michiganders Most Concerned About Getting?
What Disease are Michiganders Most Concerned About Getting?
What Disease are Michiganders Most Concerned About Getting?
As the internet fills with more and more information, both helpful and useless, we've learned to Google everything. I mean, everything. Some people Google "how to Google something". Not kidding. But one thing people search for a lot, is disease symptoms. Everything from diabetes, coughing, to asthma. What's the disease people in Michigan search for info on the most?
What Are People in Michigan Secretly Searching the Web For? You’ll Be Surprised
What Are People in Michigan Secretly Searching the Web For? You’ll Be Surprised
What Are People in Michigan Secretly Searching the Web For? You’ll Be Surprised
All kinds of companies spend a lot of time and money to research what we're all doing online. What we buy, what we sell, what we search for...the amount of information on each of us is terrifying. Now, a report has come out to tell us about our secret, or guilty pleasure searches. What do people in Michigan secretly search for? And how perverted is it?
“Find the Invisible Cow” Is the Best Time Wasting Game Ever
“Find the Invisible Cow” Is the Best Time Wasting Game Ever
“Find the Invisible Cow” Is the Best Time Wasting Game Ever
Sorry in advance for destroying all hopes you had of being productive today. Find the Invisible Cow is easily the most addicting new game on the Internet. Just tell your boss you're going home now, because once you start playing, you'll probably never stop.

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