
Bass Player Friend of Jeff Pilson’s Hides Stolen Guitar for 15 Years
Bass Player Friend of Jeff Pilson’s Hides Stolen Guitar for 15 Years
Bass Player Friend of Jeff Pilson’s Hides Stolen Guitar for 15 Years
Back in the '80s, Dokken was a huge band. The group played all over the world to sold-out shows, and had super-huge hair. The band's members stalked by hot chicks, and lived the rock star lifestyle. They also had a lot of cool guitars. Apparently, one of the bass guitars that Jeff Pilson owned, a favorite 1985 Spector bass, went missing somewhere along the way -- and Jeff was bummed. Not long afte
Wingstock 2012 Spotlight – Dokken [VIDEO]
Wingstock 2012 Spotlight – Dokken [VIDEO]
Wingstock 2012 Spotlight – Dokken [VIDEO]
At last we arrive at one of  our most unusual picks of the Wingstock 2012 line up - Dokken. But there is a reason.  Sit down and settle in kiddies as former Late 80's hairband expert JT schools ya on what the hipsters and music snobs just don't get about us members of "Hair Nation".   You see there was a time in America when unemployment was low, jobs were a plenty and gas prices weren't