Remembering Michigan’s Victims Of The 9/11 Terrorist Attacks
Nineteen years after the worst terrorist attack on U.S. soil, we remember the victims from Michigan that lost their lives that day.
It was unfathomable until it happened. It has been 19 years since the United States was changed forever. It's been 19 years since passenger jets were hijacked by terrorists, slamming into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and crashing into a field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Nearly 3,000 lives were lost in the deadliest attack in the country’s history. The loss immeasurable, touching not only every state but countries around the world. Leaders from countries we had considered foe stepped forward to pledge support and alliance. We saw patriotism peak around the U.S. We saw our citizens united in a way I fear may never be seen again. And we promised to never forget.
Nearly 20 years later, our world is still forever changed. While the attack did not happen on Michigan's soil, the scars in our state remain through those we lost that day.
In another year that is unlike any other, let's remember those we lost that day from Michigan. According to Detroit News, 42 victims that had close ties to our state lost their lives on September 11, 2001. The youngest just 22-years-old and the oldest 60-years-old.
- Terence (Ted) Adderley, 22
- David Alger, 57
- Todd Beamer, 32
- Eric Bennett, 29
- Yeneneh Betru, 35
- Kirsten Christophe, 39
- Brian Dale, 43
- Frank Doyle, 39
- Barbara Edwards, 58
- Paul Friedman, 45
- James Gartenberg, 34
- Steven Goldstein, 35
- Elaine Greenberg, 56
- Bradley Hoorn, 22
- Suzanne Kondratenko, 27
- Darya Lin, 32
- Peter Mardikian, 29
- Margaret Mattic, 51
- Kathleen Nicosia, 54
- Albert Ogletree, 49
- Todd Ouida, 25
- Manish Patel, 29
- Robert Ploger III, 59
- Laurence Polatsch, 32
- Stephen Poulos, 45
- David Pruim, 52
- Marsha Ratchford, 34
- Gregory Richards 30
- Joshua A. Rosenthal, 44
- Christina Sunga Ryook, 25
- Brock J. Safronoff, 26
- Lt. Col. Kip Taylor, 38
- Brian Terrenzi, 28
- Lisa Marie Terry, 42
- Eric (Rick) Thorpe, 35
- Alicia Titus, 28
- Meta Fuller Waller, 60
- Scott Weingard, 29
- Meredith Lynn Whalen, 23
- Marvin Woods, 57
- Sandra Lee Wright, 57
- Marc Zeplin, 33

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