Pop Evil Comes Home to West Michigan to Celebrate Release of New Album [VIDEO]
Pop Evil came home to celebrate the release of their new album with us! Check out photos and videos of Pop Evil rocking 20 Monroe Live, February 15, 2018, their special album signing at FYE in Grandville, and their chat with Tommy!
Before the concert at 20 Monroe Live, GRD helped to get listeners in to meet the band and take photos with them, plus get autographs and cool Pop Evil merch. The GRD VIP winners got Pop Evil patches, posters, and the new CD!
Palaye Royale and Black Map kicked everything off, getting the crowd ready and amped to welcome home Pop Evil.
When Pop Evil took the stage, frontman Leigh Kakaty thanked West Michigan for always supporting band, saying they knew that had to come home and kick off their tour, celebrating the release of their new album right here at home!
Listen to Leigh work in "Grand Rapids" into their songs during the show!
Keep up with Pop Evil here and get you own copy of the new album here!
Earlier this week, Pop Evil also held a special album signing at FYE in Rivertown Crossings Mall in Grandville!
They also popped in to chat with Tommy Carroll at the GRD studios!