MI Security Guard Killed After Fight over Wearing A Face Mask
We really have to take the political part out of some of this pandemic, because there are how many millions of people that live in Michigan and how many hundreds of people that are lawmakers?
In Genesee County, a security guard at a Family Dollar was killed after he refused a customer's daughter entry to the store because of rules within Governor Whitmer‘s Executive Stay-Home Order.
Detroit Free Press reports It all started Friday around 1:45 pm, when Calvin Munerlyn aka Duper, a security guard at Family Dollar and father of 9, told a customer that her daughter needed a face mask to enter the store - which is `state law, right now.
She didn’t take this too well and started a verbal altercation with the security guard before leaving. 20 minutes later according to the Detroit Free Press, her husband and 23-year-old son showed up at the store to confront Calvin. That confrontation ended with the husband shooting Calvin in the back of the head. Calvin was later pronounced dead at the hospital. Coworkers and family told the Detroit Free Press that Calvin was a hard worker and was just trying to take care of his family of nine children and his wife.
According to the story, a GoFundMe account has been set up to help with family and for funeral expenses and has already collected over $30,000.
Again, WE HAVE TO STOP BEING JERKS TO EACH OTHER. You may disagree with what a politician is doing or saying but violence is not the answer anytime it’s like the Edwin Starr song ‘War’, what is it good for? Absolutely nothing.
As the Genesee County Prosecuting Attorney told the Detroit Free Press,
"Decisions like staying home when we can, wearing a mask when going to the store and staying a safe distance from those around us, these should not be political arguments. They don't necessitate acts of defiance and we simply cannot devolve into an us-versus-them mentality.
We really need to make a commitment as a community ... to doing the things necessary to allow us to stay healthy and turn the page on this crisis altogether. If not for ourselves, we should do this for Calvin Munerlyn, who has lost his life needlessly and senselessly."
Three people were charged Monday with the murder the Free Press says,
45-year-old Sharmel Teague, 44-year-old Larry Edward Teague Jr., and 23-year-old Ramonyea Bishop
If you’re unhappy with decisions, use your voice on Election Day, not through violence to neighbors that don’t have any more say in the decisions than you do.

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