Janna Thought She Needed New Furniture – Turns Out, She Just Needed ZeroRez
Do you have a piece of furniture that you just can't bear the thought of parting with? A recliner that's perfectly formed to your body? A couch that you can sink into while watching the games on Sunday? Have you also been thinking that it's seen better days and you, sadly, should probably replace it? Well... I'm here to tell you that that might not be the case.
My husband and I have couches that we love, but between us and our cat, Money Bags, using them all of the time, they were starting to look a little rough. We were getting to the point where we thought we were going to have to replace them.
Before we got rid of our beloved furniture, we decided to give ZeroRez a call and see if they could work their magic so we could get a little more use out of it.
I knew that ZeroRez could work wonders with carpet, but would they be able to save my furniture?
Short answer? Yes.
The whole experience was great! The gentlemen from ZeroRez were right on time, fast, and polite. I was surprised at how quickly they finished.
Having Money and him having full reign of the house, pet hair can be a problem. They got all the hair off, and even (this is gross, but if you have pets, you get it) a spot of cat puke we didn't even know about that was hiding behind the top cushions.
So glad to have fresh clean couches! They dried super quickly too, so it's not like we had to wait around for them to dry. Thank you, ZeroRez!
Want to see if ZeroRez can save your beloved pieces of furniture? Book your appointment with ZeroRez online today.
And, this is fun! If you have a couch that you think could use a little bit of help, we want to help you out. ZeroRez is offering a free couch cleaning to one of our listeners.
All you have to do is fill out the form below and you could win a couch cleaning from ZeroRez just in time for the big game on February 8.
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