Is there an alligator on the loose in Ottawa County? A witness claims he saw a gator so if you plan on swimming in Ottawa County make sure you know which lake to avoid.

Gators Are Everywhere

When I was growing up when I thought of an alligator it was something I would see at the zoo or on a trip to Florida. I learned later that gators are in Louisiana too thanks to those alligator fishing shows.

Generally, alligators do not actively seek out humans for their next meal and usually take off when spotting a human. If you are near a swamp, lake, river, or hiking trail near these areas and see a gator respect its space because no matter its size, it can still attack you. A big gator is faster on the ground than you may think.

Rob Carr/Getty Images
Rob Carr/Getty Images

If you watch golf every year there is a gator on the green or in a water hazard during one of the televised events. For years there have been stories about gators living in the sewers in New York City and some kids even captured a 7-foot alligator at one point so they are not just down south anymore.

Was a Gator Spotted in a Lake in Ottawa County?

It used to be once a year that Michiganders would hear about a gator on the loose in a pond or swamp but this year there have been a few alligator sightings like one a few months ago at Kensington Metro Park.

Read More: There's A Gator On The Loose At One Michigan Park

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According to FOX 17, a fisherman possibly spotted an alligator in some lily pads on Crockery Lake in Ottawa County. The man claimed the alligator was about 6 feet long. The DNR made a trip out but didn't find a gator and left warning signs behind to alert people that there could be one in or near the water. The DNR is asking people if they get a photo to report the sighting by calling 800.292.7800. If you plan on swimming this weekend you may want to avoid Crockery Lake until the mystery gator is solved.

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