Huntress Talks Touring, NBA Jam, Lemmy Kilmister, and More!
A month or two ago, an amazing show that features Amon Amarth, Children of Bodom, Battlecross, and Huntress came to the Intersection. I started listening to Huntress and I knew I had to meet this band. Little did I know I was also going to do Jager shots and sing the NBA Jam theme song with them.
The interview below turned out quite awesome! You should check it out, here are some of the highlights you should not miss!
-NBA Jam theme singing
-The update of their Indie go go auction
-Is Blakes van still for sale?
-The passion they have for their fans
-What it's like being in a female fronted metal band
-Working with Lemmy Kilmister (Motorhead)
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