How About New Job In Public Safety To Start New Year in Kalamazoo?
If you are looking for a do-over and would like to start a new career in public safety, the Kalamazoo Department of Public Safety is looking to fill 30 positions.
The Pandemic Has Brought Job Opportunities
When the COVID-19 pandemic first started, aside from the concerns of the coronavirus, I think Michiganders were most worried about if they would keep their jobs. Some folks did lose their jobs or were temporarily laid off while those who had critical need jobs kept on going like nothing ever happened.
Then as vaccines were released to the public and the pandemic was becoming more manageable the unthinkable happened, massive job opportunities.
During the pandemic, many older workers retired while other workers who got their pay cut or fired during the pandemic found new better paying jobs. These two things left a lot of positions to fill in a variety of careers.
Working In Public Safety
Working in public safety has been a dream of many, sometimes following in the footsteps of a parent or grandparent, while others would just like to protect and serve.
Prior to the pandemic, getting into public safety was somewhat difficult. Many years ago my best friend Curt wanted to work for the Michigan State Police and even though he had a family member who was a trooper he didn't get the nod from that family member so he wound up working in the corrections system.
Another friend of mine who is now a Detroit detective followed in his dad's footsteps and was a detective in Pontiac and this helped my friend Matt get into Oakland County before moving on to Detroit.
So what I'm getting at, it has never been easier to get into public safety and if you are looking for a job in the field, Kalamazoo Public Safety is looking for 30 new people and you could be one of them.
Kalamazoo Public Safety Looking To Fill 30 Positions
Fox 17 reported that the Kalamazoo Department of Public Safety is looking to fill 30 positions that include public safety officers, special teams positions, firefighters, and EMTs.
You better hurry if you want to apply for any of these positions because the application doors will close at the end of business on Friday, December 23. You can apply online using the link right here.