High Winds Blew An Ice Shanty, With Men In It, Across Saginaw Bay
The lesson here is NEVER underestimate the winds of March.
And you thought the wind Sunday was bad?
Three ice fisherman spent Saturday night in their homemade ice shanty off the Thumb region of Michigan, preparing on getting up early Sunday to hook some perch.
And that they did, and as they were just about to pack it in and head for shore, the heavy winds kicked up causing the threesome to lose control of their ice shanty, which went sliding further and further out into the Saginaw Bay.
The winds were extra nasty Sunday morning
Apparently the trio forgot how volatile those west winds would be on the back side of storms in early March. The 50 mph gusts and the constant 25 mph wind out of the west early Sunday propelled their shanty over a mile and a half out into Saginaw Bay.
The trio were rescued after a bystander on the shore witnessed one of them struggling in a vain attempt to get the shanty under control and keep it from blowing further out into the Bay, and called authorities.
Huron County Sheriffs Deputies were quick to respond
Huron County rescue units were called out around 8:00am Sunday, including an ice ready air boat to help the trio get them and their shanty back to the shore.
All three men were reported to be in good condition when deputies finally got to the shanty, and they refused medical treatment.
It appears they were more embarrassed by getting shellacked by the heavy winds than anything else.
A Musical Tribute To Heavy March Winds
It would be too easy to throw down Jonathan Edwards classic ode to hanging out in a shanty, 'Shanty', instead, I'm going to mix it up by giving you the lesser known ode to windy spring weather, Journey's 'Winds of March' from their big 1977 hit album, Infinity.
You are my child
You came like the winds of March (surprising and without warning...okay, maybe with a wind advisory)
With all the love in your eyes (and 50 mph gusts)
You are my child (what's with this child thing again?)
You came like the morning lights (um, er winds)
With all your love, in your eyes (if making your shanty skate across the Saginaw Bay isn't love, what is?)
Winter in Holland, MI
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