Hear Badmotorfinger and Superunknown Complete on WGRD
With the sad passing of Chris Cornell last night by suicide. GRD is honoring the life and music of Chris Cornell all weekend long. We started today, and we'll be playing songs every hour from Chris through Sunday. We also have special presentations of Badmotorfinger and Superunknown in their eintirety!
Thursday at 6pm, Johnnie will play Badmotorfinger all the way through, no stops, no talking, no commercials. Just one of Soundgarden's best albums.
Then, Friday about 5:45pm, Johnnie will put on Superunknown, and play it all the way through. One of the band's biggest albums, you'll hear it all.
To wrap up this Chris Cornell weekend, we'll play Badmotorfinger all the way through with Superunknown, back to back, Sunday night beginning at 10pm.