Deer With A Pumpkin On Its Head Is Roaming The Woods Of Cascade
A doe wanted to sample some treats at the bottom of a plastic pumpkin, and now the darn thing is stuck on her head.
The deer has been spotted on various roads in and around Cascade Township near the city's east side.
Jeff Ott caught the deer banging around with its pumpkin head and took some video footage of it and posted it online.
The Fire Department actually caught the deer at one point, but it kicked free of the restraints they were using before they could get the pumpkin off of its head.
Authorities are telling people to notify them if they come across the animal, as the doe is distressed and may kick or scratch if approached.
The Cascade Fire Department is advising residents to call them at 616-949-1320 if they see the deer.
The DNR says that by all appearances the deer seems to be in good health, all things considered. They added that animals can and usually do figure out how to get stuff off their head eventually, but this deer may need a little help.
This is not the least bit uncommon, as thousands of animals dip their heads into buckets every year. You can help by not putting out plastic containers with food in them.
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