Backpack Giveaway for Families this Saturday in Grand Rapids!
It's back to school and to ensure that kids are going back with everything they need there will be a backpack giveaway this Saturday, the 17th, in Grand Rapids.
LifePoint Apostolic Church teamed with the Michigan State Police, Kent County Sheriff's office, GRPD, Grand Rapids Fire Department and Voice for the Badge to make this first annual giveaway a success. Families are invited to stop by at the church between 11a-2p not only for a free backpack with supplies but also a back-to-school celebration that'll include: food, ice cream, face painting, and bounce houses. Plus several vehicles such as police cars and a fire truck will be on display for kids to check out.
According to the MSP, About 125 backpacks will be given away and will be on a first-come-first-serve basis until they run out. You can also donate a backpack for the event. The Rockford Post is accepting donations until 4 p.m. Friday.
You can get more info about the event here.
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